
søndag 4. september 2011

Another wooohooo post from me!!!

I am thrilled, I  am exited and have been jumping up and  down...Now I finally can tell you some other good news... at least I think it's great news:):) I was selected to be on  the Stamptacular Sunday Design Team  and I will deliver my first contribution to the designteam in October. I was hoping to join them, but there are so many uber talented girls out there so I was as I told you extremely thrilled to be chosen to be part of the team;) I must be under a lucky star at the moment;)

Wooohooohooo... and remember girls... I have some candy coming up at my blog soon. Have so many things to celebrate now as my first blogoversary is just passed;)

Hope to see you gals at the challenge

Hugs Bettina

8 kommentarer:

  1. Gratulerer til deg og Bettina.

  2. tillykke tillykke, men kan du virklig overkomme så mange,klemmmmm

  3. Takk takk alle sammen. Jeg klarer det nok om jeg jobber strukturert Anne Bente;) Klem

  4. WHOO HOO that's fantastic news hun xxx

  5. Hiya Bettina!!! Congrats on joining our team! I love your style and can't wait to see more from you and get to know you!
    Hugs!! Dee Sprytebyrd's Sentiments

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